15 Most Beautiful French Flowers: That Will Transform Your Garden
France has always been considered the most romantic nation in the world, the most delicate and the most elegant: with these premises, the French Flowers cannot fail to be the most sought after.
In this new article, we have made a list with French flowers.
List of French Flowers: |
Iris |
Lily |
Rosemary |
Red Poppy |
Provence French lavender |
French Peony |
French Lilac |
Hyacinth |
French Marigold |
Gerbera |
Daffodil |
Tulip ‘Ile de France’ |
Pansy |
Chrysanthemum |
Rose ‘La France’ |
French Flowers
1. Iris

The iris is the national flower of France, and a stylized version of the flower is used in the country’s insignia and national emblem. The iris, or fleur-de-lis, has been used to represent French royalty since the 13th century, and is said to represent perfection, light, and life. In the heraldic designs used by the French monarchy, the three petals also represented wisdom, faith, and chivalry.
The iris flower with the scientific name Iris Germanica, is native to Europe, especially in France and comes from the Iridaceae family, although it is also recognized as a lily.
It should be noted that the name of this species of flower personifies the rainbow goddess, who is responsible for carrying the messages of the gods to man on earth.
The word “Iris” comes from the Greek “Eiro”, which means of beautiful colors, a terminology that does justice to the beautiful appearance of this flower. It has a very particular shape, as well as a spectacular aroma that can captivate anyone without a doubt.
Iris is a French flower used in most cases as an ornament, although many people also use its roots to extract a liquid that serves as a natural laxative. These can be found in different colors, such as yellow, red, white and marbled.
The iris flower has a great variety of species, which can be found in different sizes and colors, and although they are not the same, they all share the same beauty.
Many people tend to confuse them with some types of orchids, but when you look closely, you can see that there are some differences between the two species.
In any of its colors, the iris flower manages to capture attention very quickly and is classified as one of the most beautiful among flowers. They are long-lasting flowers with three external and three internal large petals, and give off an exquisite aroma.
Iris flowers in all their varieties have a wide variety of meanings in each culture where they are found, however, the most common in France are purity, nobility, generosity, perfection and honor.
2. Lily of the valley

As for the floral symbolism, the Lily of the valley flower has always been considered the symbol of France, also because it refers to the Ancien Regime that has dominated the transalpine in the past centuries.
The Lily of the valley is a popular French flower of the Liliaceae family and can count something like eighty many species, not counting the cultivated hybrids. The lily is a perennial bulbous, which means that its roots do not renew each year like other bulbous flowers do.
The leaves of this flower are set at the base of the stem in a scattered order and have the apart characteristic of being lanceolate and with parallel veins.
These French flowers are usually grown for ornamental use, it is in fact a plant that produces a truly lovely flower that perfectly adorns gardens, terraces or flower beds.
Lily flower bulbs can be planted during in the spring, but if you plant them in the fall, you have something to gain. Since they are stem roots and the bulb regularly supports a heavy load of flowers, it is critical to sink it at least 8 to 10 inches from the top of the bulb to the top of the soil.
One of the major characteristics of lilies, apart from their beauty, is the size of their stem. Since they can reach up to a meter in height, they are strong, with leaves and of course the beautiful lily flower.
The lily flower is big and in terms of its colors there is a lot of diversity. They have a deliciously captivating smell, to the point that it is often used very frequently in the manufacture of flower waters and perfumes.
The lily is normally composed of no more than six petals, which makes it even more special. To have a lily plant at home, you just need to have a good, nourished and hydrated soil and enough sunlight.
3. Rosemary

Rosemary is a French flower that combines the beauty of an ornamental plant, simple to grow, with many qualities and extreme flexible in the kitchen, for the preparation of roasts, sauces, tasty condiments and much more.
It is plant that adjust well to different types of soils, with green leaves and flowers with colors ranging from bright blue to pale pink to white.
Rosemary is a French flower belongs to the Lamiaceae family that lends itself very well to cultivation both in pots and in the ground. It is easier for the plant to suffer from too much attention given to it, rather than from abandonment.
This french flower is also a natural pharmacy. Often, it is grown for its essential oil which is extracted by steam distillation of new vegetation and new flowers.
In the countries of the Mediterranean basin it is a medicinal and aromatic plant commonly cultivated not only in terraces and gardens but also for its collection for commercial use.
Rosemary generally grows on fertile, well-drained soils exposed to full sun. In nature, we can also find it among the rocks or in very difficult places.
The rosemary is an evergreen shrub with different bearing, upright or prostrate. The size of a mature flower varies from thirty to one hundred and fifty centimeters in height.
It has very strong roots, it has a woody and robust stem, on which leathery, evergreen and thin leaves grow that emanate an intense perfume. In during the spring the plant is covered with small flowers. Botany experts know very well that these can be blue, pink, white.
4. Red Poppy

Red Poppy, also known as Common Poppy is one of the most popular and decorative wildflowers in France.
It is an annual herbaceous plant, native to Europa and North Africa, measuring up to 80 centimeters in height. It grows in fields, in particular in those of cereals, in abandoned land, at the edges of roads, in mounds of soil and in loose lands, in rubble, from the plain up to 1800-1900 meters.
The red poppy is a French flower and is characterized by erect, branched and prickly stems, covered with long, latent hairs and a white pivoting root. Its leaves have silky, soft hairs.
The solitary flowers bloom at the apex of long peduncles covered with patent hairs, are odorless, and measure about 5-8 centimeters. Before flowering the buds are pendulous.
The fruits are hairless oval capsules, surmounted by a flat stigma, with inside numerous small, kidney-shaped, grayish and reticulated seeds which, when ripe, come out from the openings placed under the stigma.
Each plant produces an average of 10,000 to 20,000 seeds, and this remains viable in the soil for up to 40 years.
The red poppy is very popular with bees for its black pollen. Petals and seeds boast mild sedative properties, and the red poppy is a close relative of the opium poppy, from which morphine is extracted.
5. Provence French lavender

When they hear the word Provence, many immediately think of one thing: the almost endless, fragrant lavender fields in south-eastern France.
Lavender is part of a genus of plants from the mint family with about up to 37 species, and seven of them are common in Europe. They include real lavender and French lavender, which are used as ornamental plants, bee pasture and food ingredients, but also in medicine and cosmetics.
Lavender is the characteristic flower from Provence Region of France; the large lavender fields there are very popular tourist destinations.
This originated as a natural cross between real lavender and broad-leaved lavender and is often the basis for inexpensive essences and oils. However, the scent is much weaker than that of real lavender.
Lavender can also be found as an ornamental plant in many gardens in this country. There are many types of lavender on the market, for example various Provence lavender, white-flowered lavender which is regularly referred to as French lavender.
The French lavender is a very widespread flower in France, and is for example a symbol of Nice, even if it is then present in many French bibliographies as a flower of Toulouse or as a flower of Lyon .
Lavender plants are also very popular in beekeeping because the sugar content of lavender flowers is between 21 and 48 percent. In France, lavender honey is produced, which has a distinct lavender flavor.
Fresh, soft shoots and the tender, young leaves of lavender are frequently used in French, Italian and Spanish cuisine to refine fish, meat and stews.
In haute cuisine, desserts are refined with candied lavender blossoms and spices such as salt are also flavored with lavender. Lavender blossoms are a common ingredient in the famous “Herbs of Provence” spice blend.
In addition, these French flowers had always been considered a medicinal plants with a calming effect. The plant also shows a wide range of possible applications in this area.
The flowers can be enjoyed as a tea against inner restlessness and difficulties falling asleep or added to the bath water in case of circulatory disorders.
Rubs with lavender oil are used to combat rheumatic complaints. Lavender was named Medicinal Plant of the Year in 2008 and also received the title Medicinal Plant of the Year in 2020.
6. French Peony

French Peony is a very popular French flower for its scenery images. Peonies have large and colorful petals, making them ideal as ornamental flowers.
French Peony is the fragrant flower of spring , the one everyone is waiting for. It has only been in the past twenty years that the peony has enjoyed a real resurgence of interest, particularly in France. It is now one of the most purchased flowers on Mother’s Day , just behind the rose
Among the different varieties of these French flowers, the best known is Paeonia officinalis, which also has important healing properties. Known since ancient times, it was considered useful as a specific remedy to combat epilepsy.
The south of France has the right conditions for growing peonies . Producers grow it outdoors: cool temperatures at night and sunshine throughout the day are favorable to the development and natural growth of the plant in this region.
Peonies can be planted both in a pot and in the garden. Care must be taken to expose the plant to full sun avoiding water stagnation. Obviously, the necessary water supply will also be assessed on the basis of the external temperatures.
It is advisable to plant peonies in the period between October and the end of February, preferring, if possible, the beginning of autumn.
Because is a fairly easy plant to care for, it can give big satisfaction even to the less experienced.
The name of the Peony flower means ‘ healthy ‘ and refers to its medicinal and therapeutic properties. According to some traditional oriental cultures, however, peonies are a symbol of immortality, although its flowers have a rather short duration.
Today, this flower, is renowned above all for its sedative and antispasmodic action. In the phytotherapeutic field, the essential oil obtained from petals and roots, in fact, is indicated for the treatment of convulsive coughs and spasms.
7. French Lilac

The next flower in the French flowers category is the French lilac. It is one of the flagship flowers of spring, a sign of nature’s renewal! With its flowers full of freshness and its flowery fragrance, recognizable among all, the lilac has the capacity all by itself to make us travel in spring lands.
Native to southeastern Europe and Western Asia, the common lilac, or French lilac (from its botanical name syringa vulgaris) is a shrub belonging to the Oleaceae family. There are around thirty varieties, with colors ranging from blue to parma, passing through white and pink.
It is between April and June that the abundant flowering of the lilac, a delicate vaporous cloud, exhales its perfumes. Its fragrances are intense, fresh, flowery and fruity, slightly musky.
French lilac has florets, made up of four petals, are united in drooping clusters called thyrses. Its deciduous foliage is also very decorative. In some varieties, especially the small-leaved lilac, a second flowering is observed in September.
In adulthood, the lilac can reach 1.50 to 4 m in height, for a width of more than 2 m. It can grow an average of 45 cm per year and usually lives more than 20 years.
If the common lilac (syringa vulgaris) quickly becomes invasive, the small-leaved lilac (syringa microphylla) is on the other hand perfectly adapted to our small city gardens and our balconies!
Lilac symbolizes youthful beauty and the first emotions of love, it is perfect for declaring your feelings! If it is white it means innocence, purity, youth. On the other hand if it is purple, it is the dawning love, the first steps towards the tortuous and languid path of passion.
8. Hyacinth

The hyacinth, scientific name Hyacinthus belongs to the Asparagaceae family, subfamily Scilloideae (such as the genera Albuca, Leopoldia, Muscari, Ornithogalum, Scilla).In the old classification they were included in the genus Liliacee.
It is native to the Eastern Mediterranean, Asia Minor and the African tropical regions. The genus includes bulbous species with many varieties of different colors.
The hyacinth is a French stemless bulbous, with a tubular flower, with a star-shaped end and can be up to 30 cm high. The leaves are fleshy, thick and bright green. These are perennial bulbous plants, with propagation by division of the bulbs.
The flowers come in many colors: blue is the most common, but there are also red, pink, white, yellow and orange. Each inflorescence is composed of about fifteen very fragrant flowers.
It is perfect in flower beds and boxes, it goes well with perennials or biennials, such as pansies, or with other spring bulbs such as tulips or daffodils
The hyacinth is a flower which, in nature, we find in Europe (France) and Asia. At the end of the winter season, the hyacinth produces thin, ribbon-like, erect, dark green fleshy leaves and a fleshy, cylindrical floral scape, covered with many star-shaped flowers, very fragrant.
The height of the flower does not exceed 20-30 cm; The floral scape of hyacinths that we find in nature bears 7-10 flowers but also only 3-5, while in hybrid species the flowers exceed 20-30 and form a panicle.
Over the years the hyacinths have been hybridized, they exist on the market countless varieties of hyacinth, with flowers of various colors, ranging from pure white to green, from yellow to bright red.
9. French Marigold

French Marigold is a traditional French flower that represents a genus of herbaceous plants that belong to the large family of Asteraceae (or Compositae). Within this genus there are 12 species and the best known is the Calendula officinalis.
The botanical name derives from the Latin Calendae, a term used to indicate the first day of the month. The reference is to the flowering period of the flower, which lasts from spring to autumn, developing flowers every month.
French Marigold is an annual herbaceous plant, which once in a while behaves like a biennial. It has a long tap root and numerous small lateral roots. The flower develops like a shrub and has an erect and branched posture.
It is covered with a thin and delicate hair and has glands rich in essential oil. The stem can reach a final size of about 30-40 cm in height. The leaves of marigold flowers are alternate on the stem and lanceolate with a toothed margin. The color of the leaves is greyish-green, and they are larger at the base than at the apex.
The French marigolds are very rustic flower found across France, which is why they are very easy to grow. In your gardens they are ideal for forming borders and ornamental flower beds.
It can also have an excellent function in the vegetable garden, as, although it is not a honey flower, it attracts pollinating insects. French marigold root system improves the soil and is able to keep away dangerous soil pests such as nematodes.
These French flowers, in addition to having numerous medicinal properties, are edible and therefore can be used in various ways.
Do you want to keep marigolds for a long time? Here is an easy way to dry marigolds!
10. Gerbera

The gerbera is a perennial French flower of the Compositae family (Asteraceae). It grows naturally in the grasslands of temperate zones in Asia, Indonesia, Madagascar and Africa. Gerberas are generally grown as indoor plants but can also find their place in the sunny massifs of the south of France.
The rosette of very green leaves reveals long stems, each bearing a remarkable flower 10 to 15 cm in diameter resembling a daisy.
The color of the petals, often red or orange, can also cover all shades of pink through mauve and even, more rarely, white. The heart typically contrasts with the petals.
Gerbera planting takes place in the spring, during the month of April. The flowering period of the gerbera is quite long and can be from April to September. You can also keep the gerbera indoors all year round.
If the flower requires a lot of light, it is best to avoid placing it in full sun in summer between 12 and 2 p.m. It will indeed prefer a slightly shaded place during the hottest hours.
The gerbera is an easy-care flower, which resists well to diseases and parasites throughout the beautiful season. Kept in a hot greenhouse, this flower can suffer from infestations of aphids and whiteflies, and the leaf miner can also attack the foliage.
Remember to ventilate regularly to avoid too dry air. Conversely, a hot and overly humid atmosphere can lead to the development of powdery mildew as well as gray rot at the collar.
11. Daffodil

Daffodils are perennial French flowers that form large bulbs, native to Europe and North Africa where they grow in meadows, woods and river banks. Daffodils are the sign of the arrival of spring, given their flowering from February.
The basal, tufted leaves emerging from the tunicate bulb are smooth, ribbon-like and dull green. They surround the leafless stem at the top of which the flower opens.
This is composed of a central trumpet, or crown, emerging from a corolla of six petals which is called the perianth. Almost all the flowers are fragrant, and the colors range from white to yellow with a crown that can be red, orange or pink.
A symbol of spring, the daffodil blooms on every side of the road in France from February to May. Its flowering is generally of short duration, 15 days at most.
Depending on the variety, its height varies from 8 to 60 cm. The daffodil flowers, yellow, are composed of 3 petals and 3 sepals, i.e. 6 tepals. They reach a diameter of 4 to 6 cm.
In the language of flowers, the daffodil means sincere and enduring love as well as impatient longing. However, you can also use it when you want to make a discreet declaration of love and want a quick response.
12. Tulip ‘Ile de France’

Tulips are the most loved French flowers in the world for the simplicity of the shape and for the countless and colorful blooms. Heralds of spring, they are among the first flowers to bloom year to year, sometimes when the snow has not yet leave. It conveys a sense of comfortable gratify and intimacy, but it is also the symbol of perfect love, fame and eternal life.
The tulip ‘Ile de France’ belongs to the category of French flowers, and it is a perennial, bulbous and herbaceous plant with a short flowering period, usually in spring.
The root system of the tulip is provided with a bulb, from which adventitious rootlets appear attached to the basal plate (lower part of the bulb) and little branched.
They have a simple stem of 20 to 60cm in length, being underground at its base. The tulip has few leaves, which are green to grayish green.
They are somewhat fleshy, variable in shape (from linear-lanceolate to broadly ovate), lack a petiole and sprout from the base of the stem, decreasing in size towards the top of the stem. The leaf blade is simple, parallelinvia and entire.
The flowers are generally solitary and are located at the end of the floral stem. They have a bell-shaped perigonium (undifferentiated calyx and corolla), mainly composed of two levels of three tepals of a wide range of colors.
The androecium is composed of six stamens with oblong anthers and the gynoecium by a superior ovary with a trilobed stigma.
13. Pansy

Pansy is a small French flower whose varied colors brighten up many gardens and balconies, from autumn until summer.
The pansy is part of a species known as Viola Tricolor since up to 3 different colors(white, yellow, blue) can be found in its petals that mix with each other to create a surprising combination.
Pansy is a semi-perennial plant, whose behavior can vary throughout its life. It is a winter flower that usually dries up during the summer, especially in the month of August, withering and bending forward as if it were a person who is thinking or reflecting.
It is not characterized by being excessively tall, since it typically reaches a maximum height of 25 centimeters, with straight stems that are buried under the large flowers.
The flowers are made up of 5 petals that can reach dimensions of between 5 and 10 centimeters and whose range of shades is the most extensive: white, pink, blue, violet, yellow, orange, etc.
Another characteristic of the petals of this plant is that they have a soft and velvety touch. Pansies are sun or partial shade flowers. They grow on ordinary soil, preferably light and rich in humus.
14. Chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum are French flowers of autumn for flowering gardens and terraces and it is the symbol of pleasure and happiness.
The chrysanthemum is the ideal plant for flowering gardens and terraces . Indeed, it can reach 40 to 100 cm in height and blooms during the fall. Chrysanthemums are also nicknamed the “kings of autumn” as they are associated with All Saints’ Day in France.
With their dazzling palette of colors , chrysanthemums are perfect for adorning French balconies, terraces and gardens in the heart of autumn. While most of the other flowers are winding down, they offer a generous bloom from late summer until the first frosts.
There is a very wide variety of chrysanthemums. They are known for their pink, red, orange, yellow or even white hues.
Chrysanthemum have the advantage of flowering late, until November, and thus come to furnish our gardens advantageously when the flowers begin to become rare. They are also planted in pots to flower balconies and terraces.
It was in the 18th century that chrysanthemums began to adorn the graves of the deceased. Since they bloom late and withstand moderate frost well, they gradually replace the flame of candles. But this tradition spread especially in France after the First World War.
On the first anniversary of the Armistice, Georges Clemenceau allegedly called on the French to flower the graves of fallen soldiers at the front.
The chrysanthemum requires relatively little care and maintenance other than regular watering when it does not rain. Continue this watering until autumn and stop in winter. In pots, make sure that the substrate does not dry out and also stop watering in winter.
15. Rose

The last on the French flowers list is the rose. It is a flower that belongs to the Rosaceae family and one of the most popular in the world. It is of great cultural importance in the societies of the world and symbolizes the most tender emotions that human beings can express.
There are different types of this flower, of a great variety of colors, in addition the species are formed by multiple soft petals, with stems loaded with thorns. These plants can be of various sizes, from small to large bushes, as well as climbing plants that can climb trellises.
The best time to plant is in autumn, even for bare-root roses. When planting cultivated roses, make absolutely sure that the grafting point (concise thickening on the root collar from which the noble shoot grows) is at least five centimeters deep in the ground.
The planting hole should be deep enough so that the roots are not kinked.
The rose is the most significant French flower, according to its color or hue, it symbolizes love, sweetness, friendship, purity. Giving these flowers are a beautiful detail that can give rise to very pleasant feelings that are difficult to forget.
Rose tattoos have to do with personality and can have different meanings, such as immortal love, but when accompanied by other types of flowers it represents fertility.
Characteristics of French Flowers
French Flowers | Environment | Temperature | Maintenance | Light |
Iris | Require soils with good drainage and water retention capacity. For growing irises, a good soil is made up of organic matter, peat and sand. A heavy or too loose soil can be detrimental to this crop, since it can reduce the quality of the flowers. | The soil temperature must range between a minimum of 5-8ºC and a maximum of 20ºC, with the optimal range being between 16-18ºC. Low soil temperatures can cause growth retardation, while high temperatures can cause thin plants to form. The optimal environmental temperature is between 12-18ºC, and should not exceed 22-25ºC. A sudden temperature oscillation can cause late flowering and short stems. | Relative humidity should be around 75-80%. The iris requires an important control of soil moisture for the correct development of the root and foliar system. If soil moisture is low, shortening of the flower stem, poor foliage development and even flower abortions can occur. If the humidity is high, the appearance of diseases and root suffocation increases. | This french flower is sensitive to strong light intensity. However, it requires a daytime minimum of 200-300J/cm2. Low light can cause late development of the flower bud, as well as a decrease in the quality of the flower. |
Lily | The most suitable soils for the cultivation of Lilies are loose soils, with good drainage, rich in organic matter and with sufficient depth (40 cm), in which the washing of salts is carried out easily since they are sensitive to humidity. Regarding pH, most lilies prefer soils close to neutrality or slightly acidic. Asian hybrids prefer a pH between 6 and 7, while oriental ones between 5.5 and 6.5. | During the development of the root system, the optimum temperature range is between 9-14ºC. Temperature, along with light, has a determining effect on crop yield. High temperatures, together with low light intensity, give rise to a high percentage of stems without flower buds. | This french flower requires a relative humidity of 80-85%. Too high a relative humidity can cause the appearance of diseases. Sudden changes in relative humidity can cause damage to the leaves. | Light is a determining factor in lily flowers production. The lack of light can cause a high percentage of floral abortions. An excess of light can cause chlorosis in the plant and lead to too short stems in cultivars with little growth. The critical moment of the presence of light is when the flower buds begin to form. Poor lighting at this time (late autumn and early winter), can cause loss of flowering in some cultivars. |
Rosemary | We must avoid clay soils. Rosemary is a French flower that prefers dry, stony and permeable soils, with good drainage. | Although this plant is hardy and can adapt well to cold climates, its optimum temperature falls between the temperatures typical of hot and temperate climates. | Rosemary is a plant familiar to a dry environment. Therefore, the flower doesn’t need a lot of water to stay healthy. | Locate your flower in an area that receives direct light. Rosemary loves the sun and light, therefore we should preferably locate it in an area that receives several hours of sun daily, and we will see it grow in all its splendor. |
Red Poppy | It is important to know that the red poppy does not have special needs in terms of soil. It can grow even in poor soils, as long as it is well drained, but prefers a calcareous soil type. | The red poppy boasts excellent resistance to low temperatures, even to those much below 0 degrees, but cannot stand the humid and sultry heat. | The red poppy should not be watered too often, but be careful not to allow the plant to withstand too long periods of drought. | For a longer life of the red poppy you need to expose it to the sun, but it can also grow in partial shade. |
Provence French lavender | Dry, well-drained, alkaline soil is essential for French lavender health. This plant prefers poor soil conditions as nutrient-rich soils can damage the plant. | French lavender doesn’t tolerate frost, snow, or freezing temperatures. High humidity is another negative factor of these French flowers. These plants like dry, warm areas. | French lavender is extremely drought tolerant and prefers to stay dry rather than moist. Because of this, unless there is extreme heat and drought, you most likely won’t need to water this lavender variety. | It is advisable to plant French lavender in a very sunny place to grow, because this plant loves the sun very much. |
French Peony | Peonies need nutrient-rich, well-drained loamy soil. The pH of the soil should never be below 6, so you should not pre-treat the soil with compost. | Peonies love the cold during the winter. Winter conditions are more efficient in harsh environments. However, it also requires a warm environment in spring and summer. The plant, experiencing the cold of winter, almost falls asleep and gathers energy. Then, in spring, it enters a beautiful flowering period. These temperature requirements are important for productive flowering. | Since peonies have storage roots, they can also survive longer periods of drought very well. For this reason, you only have to water the plants very rarely, usually not at all. Only young plants should be watered regularly in the first year, because they first have to fully develop their storage roots. | These French flowers need a lot of light, so if you have them indoors, you should always place it next to a lighted window, preferably to the south or west, as this is the best orientation for the plants. You have to provide 6 to 8 hours of light. If outdoors, place them in a location where it has at least 6 hours of light and the rest in shade. |
French Lilac | These French flowers adapt to all types of soil but prefer deep, fertile ones, capable of retaining moisture and slightly calcareous, with good drainage and exposed to the sun. | Lilac bears very harsh climates, indeed, the colder the winter, the greater the flowering of the following year. | The Lilac needs regular watering, the soil must be kept constantly humid, in the coldest period the watering must be decreased. Avoid water stagnation. | Outdoors, Lilac should preferably be placed in full sun, but it also grows well in dim light, limiting, albeit slightly, the flowering and vivacity of the colors. |
Hyacinth | The soil must be draining and rich, not too fertilized in order to avoid bacterial and mold attacks. All types of soil are suitable for growing hyacinths. If the substrate is excessively compact and heavy, river sand can be added. | If you grow hyacinthin the garden you can leave it in a sunny position and it will not fear too low temperatures, while if you want to grow it indoors you must be careful that the temperature in which the plant lives does not drop below 13 degrees. | Watering must be adjusted in relation to the seasons: every three days in winter; once or twice a day in summer, every other day during the spring period. | Pots and bowls must be placed in full sun, but after flowering in the hottest hours in particular, shading is required. If outdoors, partial shade is better. |
French Marigold | These French flowers adapt to any type of soil but prefers a rich and soft soil, not very acidic, rich in organic substances and well drained. | The marigolds have excellent resistance to cold. | Rainwater is sufficient for the marigolds but in periods of prolonged drought it is advisable to water regularly to promote flowering. Watering must be regular, but care must be taken that water stagnations do not form. | For a healthy plant, it should be placed in sunny or slightly shaded areas. |
Gerbera | The Gerbera needs full sun, in fertile, well-drained soil; the ideal being the mixture of potting soil and loam. | The gerbera requires a temperature between 18 and 24° but should never drop below 13°. | Regular but moderate watering is necessary. The gerbera requires little water but often. | The best place to put your gerbera is in a place where there is good light but no direct sun in the summer. |
Daffodil | Daffodils must have a light soil to facilitate drainage. If they are grown at home, we can fertilize the daffodils with fertilizer rich in phosphorus, and after flowering, with potassium saltpeter or potassium nitrate. | The ideal temperature for the daffodil to open all its flowers is between 16º C and 20º C, and at night between 10º C and 13º C. | Daffodils should be watered moderately, but every so regularly. The idea is that the daffodil plant maintains a good level of humidity without flooding, as this could be fatal for the bulbs, which would end up rotting. | These French flowers tolerate different light conditions very well, so they also flourish in the shade, although it is best to place them in places with light, without direct sun. |
Tulip | It requires loose, fluffy substrates, with a high content of organic matter and good drainage capacity, since they are sensitive to waterlogging, and can suffer from root suffocation and bulb rot. They usually tolerate both acidic and alkaline soils, but better quality is achieved in neutral or slightly alkaline ones. Therefore, the optimal pH is around 6-7.5, with an effective depth of 20 cm. | The optimal temperature for the development of the tulip ranges between 13 and 16ºC. Above these temperatures, the possibility of diseases caused by Fusarium oxysporum increases. As for the bulbs, they can tolerate temperatures of -10ºC arranged on the cultivation ground. However, during dry storage they are often damaged at temperatures below -2.5 °C. Once the shoot has emerged, soil temperatures below -5ºC can cause the abortion of the flower bud. | It requires a relative humidity level of around 85%. Higher humidity can favor the appearance of fungal diseases. Conversely, low relative humidity can cause leaf scorch and excessive plant water loss. Consequently, the stems are withered and not very rigid, thus reducing the quality of the flower. | Most tulip species require low light for their development, although there are certain varieties that are more sensitive to lack of light. This lack of light manifests itself with the development of a large foliar mass with paler tones and late budding, as well as with the excessive growth of the floral stem, giving rise to low-quality |
Pansy | The pansy requires soils with a large amount of nutrients and organic matter. | It is capable of withstanding cold temperatures, even frost, which is why it is one of the winter flowers. | It is convenient to water them every 3 days during flowering. Furthermore, it is necessary to ensure that the soil in which they grow is always moist, but care must also be taken so that the soil does not become waterlogged. | He loves natural lighting. So the more sunlight you give it, the better. However, it can resist in semi-shaded environments, especially when the incidence of the sun is very strong. |
Rose | They require a loose substrate, rich in organic matter and good aeration and drainage capacity, since their roots are very sensitive to waterlogging. The pH should range between 6-7, although it depends on the rootstock used. | For most cultivars, the optimum temperature range is between 17-25ºC, with a minimum of 15ºC at night and a maximum of 28ºC during the day. | In general, the relative humidity should range between 60-70%, except in some periods of the cycle such as after: 1. Planting – where it requires more humidity to stimulate growth and reduce losses due to evapotranspiration and 2. Pruning – to stimulate bud formation and growth (RH should be around 85-90%). | The rose is a long-day plant. Therefore, in the summer months, when high light intensities and long day length prevail, flower production is higher than during the winter months. |
As the birthplace of some of the world’s finest wines but we could not forget the floral landscapes, especially in the south of France which fill the sight and smell of those who are lucky enough to attend any of the flower festivals that are celebrated.
That’s why we presented you a list with the most popular and beautiful French flowers that exist.
Frequently Asked Questions
The Iris(fleur-de-lis) is the national flower of France, and a stylized version of the flower is used in the country’s insignia and national emblem.
From a thousand colors to a thousand perfumes, the rose is considered the queen of flowers in France. It is the best-selling flower in France .
It represents 62% of purchases of cut flowers.
With the voluptuous curve of its red or pink petals and the wonderful smell it gives off, the rose is the most beautiful flower in France par excellence.
It is unquestionably the most beautiful of all flowers as it is recognized and used around the world for its meanings and beauty.
Red and yellow roses united in a bouquet represents happiness and love.
Two roses bound or bound together are the messengers of the approaching engagement or marriage. Rose petals are the symbol of hope and are traditionally associated with wedding ceremonies.