Plant Care

Why is My Kalanchoe not Flowering? Answer May Surprise You!

The beautiful and colorful flowers of the Kalanchoe decorate our homes with their abundant flowering from winter to the beginning of spring. However, some kalanchoe owners may find themselves struggling to get their plants to bloom and ask the same question: Why is my kalanchoe not flowering?

In this article, I will show you why kalanchoe does not bloom, what the most common mistakes are when caring for kalanchoe, and a simple trick to prolong the flowering of kalanchoe.

Why is My Kalanchoe not Flowering:
1. Lack of light
2. Overwatering or Underwatering
3. Too much or too little fertilizer
4. Temperature Imbalances
5. Unsuitable Soil
6. Lack of Pruning
7. Dormant Period

1. Lack of light

With a lack of lighting, kalanchoe not only stops flowering, but also begins to shed excess foliage. When Kalanchoe does not have enough light, it begins to stretch and shed foliage. As a result, Kalanchoe does not bloom. 

If the kalanchoe has enough light, the leaves look healthy and have a bright green color. If there is not enough sunlight, the bright leaves begin to turn pale, the shoots stretch out, new shoots grow small, and at the same time, flowering does not occur at all.

Since Kalanchoe is a tropical plant, it loves bright but diffused lighting. Because of its comfortable growth, the western or eastern side of the room is well suited.

In winter, it is advisable to place the kalanchoe flower on the southern windowsill to ensure sufficient light. If this is not possible, then you need to create an additional backlight.

You can install an additional source of artificial lighting next to the flowerpot. It is better not to transfer the plant to the window on the south side, since direct sunlight on the crown can cause burns of the leaf plates. This is due to the high moisture content inside the kalanchoe plant.

Kalanchoe flowering can only be achieved by carrying out a light pruning of the crown and making up for the lack of light.


If Kalanchoe is not flowering due to a lack of light, you need to do the following:

  • Keep a flower on a bright eastern windowsill so that it is under the sun’s rays in the morning;
  • Limit daylight hours to 8–9 hours;
  • During the winter, when there is little sun, you can use artificial lighting lamps;
  • If the plant is still pulled out in winter, it is necessary to regularly carry out formative pruning of the bush, shortening its shoots to 10 cm.

In order for Kalanchoe to bloom, it must be placed in a dark place for at least 10 hours a day, which is not always possible. The solution is to put the pot in the closet for several hours or cover it with a dark box.

Kalanchoe needs bright sunlight. At the same time, the light day for this plant should be no more than 8–9 hours. Therefore, it is almost impossible to achieve flowering in the middle lane under natural lighting.

In the summer, when there are many sunny days, daylight hours reach 15 to 16 hours, while in the winter, when it approaches the norm, there is almost no sun.

2. Overwatering or Underwatering

Incorrect watering is the second common reason why Kalanchoe is not flowering. Both of these conditions(overwatering or under-watering) can stress the plant and prevent it from flowering. When figuring out how to make Kalanchoe bloom, many do not think that it is necessary to normalize the supply of moisture.

Overwatering occurs when a kalanchoe receives more water than it can absorb or when the soil is not allowed to dry out properly between waterings.

This issue will cause root rot, damaging the entire succulent root system. Among signs of overwatering, we can have yellowing or wilting of the leaves. The kalanchoe may appear limp or droopy.

With frequent overwatering, kalanchoe can also be affected by spider mites, mealybugs, scale insects and aphids.

It is necessary to water the plant very carefully so that water does not fall on the leaves and shoots. The slightest stagnation of water in the soil can cause rotting of the root system, and getting moisture on the leaves can cause stem rot

These diseases are difficult to detect immediately; they develop gradually. A sick kalanchoe does not bloom, then loses its leaves and dies.

On the other hand, under watering occurs when the kalanchoe does not receive enough water to support its growth and development. This will cause this succulent to appear wilted and delay or inhibit flowering.

Since Kalanchoe is a succulent plant(it accumulates moisture reserves in its fleshy leaves and is adapted to drought and low air humidity), it does not require frequent watering, but you should avoid prolonged dryness.

But if the pot is near a heating source, then we water it, focusing on the condition of the soil in the pot. If the soil is completely dry and petrified, then the leaves wither, lose their color, and you can forget about flowering.


Very often, the flowering of Kalanchoe is prevented by the wrong watering regime. 

We water kalanchoe only with settled water at room temperature. When watering Kalanchoe, it is advisable not to allow water to get into the stems and leaves and it is important to drain the saucer regularly.

This can lead to the development of various diseases. To preserve it’s appearance, it is recommended to wipe the leaves of the succulent with a damp cloth no more than once a month.

The frequency of watering depends on the season. In the summer, it can be two or three times a week. In winter, once a week. But at the same time, do not forget to check the top layer of the soil. If it is still wet, postpone watering.

How to water this succulent correctly:

SeasonWatering FrequencyWatering AmountSoil Moisture Level
SpringOnce a weekModerateSlightly moist
SummerTwice a weekLight to moderateMoist but not saturated
FallOnce every 10 daysModerateSlightly moist to dry
WinterOnce every 2 weeksLightDry to slightly moist

Between waterings, the soil should dry to a depth of at least 3 cm. In winter, watering is reduced by 2 times.

Do not water with cold water. Cold and dampness can cause root rot. If the roots of the kalanchoe rot, then it will not bloom.

3. Too much or too little fertilizer

Another common reason why Kalanchoe does not bloom can be too much or too little fertilization. The Kalanchoe is fertilized from May to August with liquid fertilizer diluted with irrigation water. 

Multi-component fertilizers that promote the formation of flower buds are recommended for flowering kalanchoe.

If Kalanchoe grows in very poor, nutrient-poor soil, it blooms reluctantly even with proper lighting. Its leaves become smaller, and the kalanchoe grows upward but does not flower. Therefore, for annual and abundant flowering, you need to apply fertilizers.

You can determine whether your plant has enough nutrition or not by its appearance.

Table with nutrients that can prevent kalanchoe from flowering

NutrientsEffect on Kalanchoe Flowering
NitrogenIf there is too much nitrogen, the leaves become large, fleshy, dark green in color, but the plant stops blooming altogether.
PhosphorusKalanchoe does not bloom or blooms very quickly, then it does not have enough phosphorus. If there is too much phosphorus, then the leaves begin to turn yellow, and the lower ones generally fall off.
PotassiumLow levels of potassium can inhibit flower development and reduce overall bloom quality.
CalciumCalcium deficiency can lead to poor flower formation and reduced bloom size.
MagnesiumEssential for chlorophyll production and overall plant health, but too much can inhibit flowering.
IronIron deficiency can lead to chlorosis (yellowing) of leaves and reduced flowering.
ManganeseManganese deficiency can cause distorted growth and reduced flower production.
ZincZinc deficiency can result in small or misshapen flowers and delayed blooming.

Also, it is important to know that kalanchoe also reacts very poorly to an excess of nutrients and minerals in the soil. If it is fed too often, it may stop blooming or drop the formed buds.


Top dressing for Kalanchoe should be balanced, and a fertilizer marked “for succulents” is best. But here it is important NOT to overfeed kalanchoe.

NutrientTreatment for Kalanchoe to Flower Again
NitrogenReduce nitrogen levels and increase phosphorus and potassium.
PhosphorusApply a fertilizer with a higher ratio of phosphorus (the middle number in the NPK ratio) to promote flower development.
PotassiumAdd a potassium-rich fertilizer or wood ash to the soil.
CalciumAdd calcium-rich amendments such as gypsum or crushed eggshells to the soil.
MagnesiumEnsure that the soil pH is between 6.0 and 7.0.
Add magnesium-rich fertilizer or Epsom salt to the soil.
IronAdd iron-rich fertilizer or chelated iron to the soil.
ManganeseAdd manganese sulfate or chelated manganese to the soil.
ZincAdd zinc sulfate or chelated zinc to the soil.

You need to fertilize Kalanchoe from spring to mid-autumn once every two weeks and take half the dose from the one indicated on the package.

The concentration when diluting the means for feeding in water should be 2 times lower than indicated on the package. In the autumn-winter period, the plant is not fed.

4. Temperature Imbalances

Ensuring the necessary temperature conditions is an important part of care if Kalanchoe does not flower. Kalanchoe plants are sensitive to temperature changes, especially cold temperatures. If Kalanchoe is exposed to temperature stress, it may delay or inhibit flowering.

In spring and summer, kalanchoe is kept at an air temperature of 68–77°F (20–25°C). During this period, it is desirable to take the plant to the balcony, loggia, or veranda, creating, if necessary, shading from the direct rays of the sun.

In winter, it is advisable to place the kalanchoe flower in a room where the air temperature does not exceed 59°F (15°C). Kalanchoe can tolerate higher temperatures, but it does not form buds.

It is also important to keep it indoors with low humidity. As with all succulent plants in too humid conditions, it begins to develop various rot or scab infestations.

If the day is short, additional lighting with a lamp is possible. In order for the plant to please with abundant flowering in winter, the temperature is lowered, and the kalanchoe is forced to fall into a state of rest.


Despite the fact that the plant is considered undemanding, in order for Kalanchoe to bloom, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for its existence and provide proper care for it.

If you have seasonality (change of season), the optimal temperature regime for kalanchoe will be as follows:

  1. Summer: from 68 to 82°F (20 to 28°C). The succulent easily tolerates hotter weather, but if there is little watering, it can shed its leaves. Ideally, for the summer, it is desirable to take the plant outside, onto a balcony or terrace. Kalanchoe can remain there until autumn. When the weather starts to change, we take it into the room.
  2. Winter: from 50 to 63°F (10 to 17°C). A short-term decrease in temperature to 45°F (7°C) is possible. But if the temperature drop drags on, and the soil in the pot is wet, then rotting and the death of the plant are possible.

5. Unsuitable Soil

Unsuitable soil can have a significant impact on Kalanchoe flowering. Too compact or heavy soil will cause poor drainage, which can result in root rot and hinder the kalanchoe’s ability to absorb essential nutrients and water, leading to stunted growth and a lack of blooms.

Also, shop-bought kalanchoes are usually planted in shipping soil that contains little to no nutrients, and the lush flowering is maintained through regular treatment with stimulants.

As a result of this, when it is brought home from the store in room condition, it quickly loses its original bloom.

You should not transplant a newly purchased flowering plant. At the end of flowering, you need to remove all the buds from Kalanchoe, and only after that should you transplant it into a new loose soil mixture with a slightly acidic reaction, which you can make yourself by taking the following components:

  • sod land—3 parts;
  • Leaf ground—2 parts;
  • humus—2 parts;
  • coarse sand—2 parts;
  • charcoal (crushed)—1 part;
  • pine bark (shredded)—1 part

After preparing the soil, it is recommended to roast it in the oven or place it in the microwave for several minutes. This will protect it from pathogens that cause various diseases.

The pot for transplanting Kalanchoe should be small, with a diameter of 15 to 20 centimeters.

In very large containers, all the strength of the plant will be spent on the formation of the root system, which should wrap around the earthen clod as much as possible.

At the same time, the laying of flower buds will slow down for a long time. For planting Kalanchoe, it is better to use ceramic pots.


In order for kalanchoes to bloom, the pot should not be very spacious. Good drainage is a must. Ready-made soil for succulents is used for planting. It should be remembered that the plant does not tolerate acidic soils.

Therefore, if the soil is prepared independently, then the proportions of the mixture must be taken into account:

  • 1 part of peat
  • 2 sheets of soil
  • 1 part river sand
  • 4 turf soil

If desired, you can add a handful of humus or manure, but do not overdo it. Kalanchoe will grow actively in oily soil, and then there will definitely be no flower buds.

6. Lack of pruning

Another reason for a lack of flowering in kalanchoe can relate to pruning. Pruning Kalanchoe is an essential part of plant care that can help to promote better flowering and overall plant health.

Some inexperienced plant nurseries recommend pruning this flower more or less excessively, but kalanchoe doesn’t need much pruning. More than just pruning the plant, at the end of flowering, when all the flowers have withered, it is advisable to cut the withered stems to allow the plant to produce new buds. 

By pruning, you remove the old, spent flowers, which will encourage the kalanchoe to redirect its energy towards producing new blooms instead of focusing on the old ones.

If you just bought Kalanchoe, it is important to wait until it stops flowering completely, after which you can prune. On young flowers that have not had time to turn into bushes, it is important to cut off active growth points.

Once the flowers on your plant begin to wilt and die, cut them back and remove the dead flower stalks. This prevents the flower from depleting and stimulates the growth of new shoots.

On full-grown Kalanchoe plants that have developed stiff shoots, it is important to cut them to the desired height. This allows you to give the plant a compact and stylish appearance. 

In addition, this measure prevents the kalanchoe from stretching, and leads to an increase in the number of shoots, on the tops of which long-awaited buds appear.

Additionally, pruning can help shape kalanchoe and prevent it from becoming too leggy or top-heavy.


Kalanchoe plants need to be pruned properly to promote healthy growth and flowering. If the plant is pruned too heavily or not enough, it can affect flowering.

Pruning can be done at different times depending on the goals. It is necessary to shorten the shoots of a young plant grown from a cutting immediately after the start of its active growth.

Here is how you need to prune:

  1. Use a pair of clean, sharp pruning shears to make precise cuts. Make sure to disinfect the tool.
  2. Look for stems that are leggy, diseased, or damaged. Cut them back to the base of the plant or to a point where healthy leaves are growing.
  3. Pinch back the tips of the stems by about 1/4 inch to encourage bushier growth and more flowers.
  4. Apply wax or antifungal powder where you cut to allow the wounds to heal.
  5. When the dormant period comes to an end, it is necessary to cut off all the shoots, about half, and cut out all the crooked, diseased, old, and growing shoots inside the crown. The bolder the pruning, the more magnificent the bush will turn out later.
  6. After the kalanchoe flowers have faded, cut off all the flower stalks to make the plant look neater. You can pinch the tops of the shoots at the same time.

The best time for pruning is in late winter and early spring. This is the time when shoot growth is activated or the plant comes out of dormancy period.

If the plant is on the southern windowsill, then it is better to prune the kalanchoe in November. If it is in the east or west window, then it is better to postpone until early December.

The last pruning is best done in November, if the place of growth is the western and eastern windows, or in early December.

7. Not Flowering due to Dormant Period

If the Kalanchoe still does not flower despite meeting all the growing conditions, it is necessary to provide it with a dormant period. The dormant period is characterized by a decrease in temperature, a decrease in watering, a lack of top dressing, and a day length of 8 hours.

A long flowering time weakens the plant, which needs time to recover. At this point, flowering is stopped, and the plant is left alone until the next flowering period (that is, until December of the following year).

After flowering, Kalanchoe must be prepared for a dormant period (which usually starts in September or October) that lasts about two months. All the peduncles need to be cut off and the shoots shortened to three centimeters, while the weak and deformed ones need to be cut out completely.

But in this case, cardinal pruning should not be carried out. It is recommended to remove one quarter of the green mass and lignified shoots weekly. To do this, you need to use a disinfected knife, as breaking it off harms the plant. Such pruning will allow, at the end of the dormant period, for a plant with a beautiful crown.

At the end of pruning, you need to place the plant in a shaded room with an air temperature not higher than +15 degrees. During the dormant period, watering Kalanchoe is stopped. 

If it remains in a warm room, it is recommended to slightly moisten it several times a month in order to prevent the death of the root system.

When the dormant period is over, the plant must be transferred to its usual place of growth, and daily spraying should be carried out in the first week. After that, you need to resume regular watering and start feeding.


In order to give the flower peace, it is necessary to limit its watering and lower the temperature of the soil to 12–15 °C. In such conditions, it almost does not grow and does not stretch without intense sunlight. 

Some experienced florists recommend keeping the plant in complete darkness at this time and not watering it at all. After the end of rest, the flower is gradually transferred to the usual mode of watering.

In winter, when it is strongly stretched without sunlight, only weak shoots grow on it, on which flowers will never form. And after a month of content in the coolness with limited watering, the flower begins to intensively grow buds.

How to make Kalanchoe Bloom Several Times a Year

Under favorable conditions, Kalanchoe can bloom several times a year (from 2 weeks to 3 months). Some varieties can last up to 6 months. If this period was much shorter, then re-blooming could be induced. 

1) For this, when the first buds appear on the flower, top dressing with fertilizers is completely stopped and watering is limited. As soon as the first flower blooms, the plant is fed with mineral fertilizer for cacti and succulents. 

2) After it has faded, clean the pot in a dark place every day for 1.5 months. From approximately 5 pm to 7 am. A short daylight will trigger new bud formation and after 2 months you can see new buds.

3) During the flowering period, kalanchoe should not be disturbed, leaves should be removed, transplanted or the place of residence changed. After the kalanchoe has faded, you can remove the vegetative shoots. This will increase the number of buds during re-blooming.

Why Does Kalanchoe Grow but Does not Produce Flowers?

After the Kalanchoe has left the shelf in the store and got into the home, it is important to create conditions for it that are suitable for flowering. To do this, you need to provide good lighting, do not forget about moderate watering, and also maintain a suitable temperature in the room. 

Due to the remaining nutrients in the pot, the plant will bloom or bloom for a period of several weeks to a couple of months. After flowering comes to an end, it is important to remove wilted flower stalks from the bushes. 

To do this, they are cut with a sharp knife along with a pair of leaves on the peduncle. After the final cessation of flowering, reduce the frequency of watering – otherwise, due to high humidity, the roots may rot, which will ultimately lead to the death of the plant.

In addition, Kalanchoe requires top dressing. This allows the plant to quickly recuperate. Use complex fertilizers for succulents for Kalanchoe. Top dressing is recommended to be performed 2 times a month.

Causes Why Kalanchoe Grows but Does not Produce FlowersSolution
Lack of SunlightPlace your kalanchoe in a bright, sunny location where it can receive at least six hours of sunlight per day.
Improper WateringAllow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings and water deeply, ensuring the soil is well-drained.
Lack of NutrientsFertilize your kalanchoe with a balanced fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season to provide it with the necessary nutrients.
TemperatureKeep your kalanchoe in a room with temperatures between 60-75°F (15-24°C) to encourage blooming.
Lack of PruningDeadhead spent blooms and trim back leggy growth to promote new blooms. Prune back the plant by about one-third after the blooming season to encourage bushier growth and more blooms the following year.

When is the flowering period of the Kalanchoe?

Most Kalanchoe species flower in spring and summer, with the main flowering period occurring between March and September. However, you can buy Kalanchoe as flowering houseplants all year round, bringing a splash of color into your home.

Why did the Kalanchoe stop Flowering?

The growth of already existing flowers and the dying of buds freeze if the air becomes cool or if drafts appear. If the decorative kalanchoe does not bloom, but the temperature regime has not changed, this can mean only one thing—the succulent is under stress.

There are three main factors for such an issue:

  • natural aging of the stem;
  • near the heating source;
  • location next to citrus or tomatoes.

Will the Kalanchoe bear flowers?

Yes, most Kalanchoe species have beautiful flowers that vary in appearance from cultivar to cultivar. However, what most strains have in common is that they flower for up to eight weeks! 

With good care, your Flaming Katy can flower several times. Some species don’t form flowers, but their beautiful leaves are still a real feast for the eyes.

What to do when the flowering period of the Kalanchoe is over?

When the Kalanchoe blossfeldiana has finished flowering, you can simply leave the faded flowers on the plant. There are usually new flower buds between the faded flowers, which you should not remove. 

If you like, you can gently pinch off the wilted flowers with your fingers. If an entire stalk on your Flaming Katie is really wilted, it’s best to cut it off at the base with a sharp knife. The wilted Kalanchoe is still very decorative and pretty to look at thanks to its beautiful leaves.

Will kalanchoe flower again?

Yes, Kalanchoe plants have the ability to flower again. However, after the initial flowering period, the plant may enter a rest phase where it stops blooming. In total, after 9 to 16 weeks (so even after only 3 weeks after the flowering buds appear) your plant will flower again. This bloom-rest cycle will go on all year round, irrelevant what season it is.

In its natural habitat, the kalanchoe blooms towards the end of winter at the beginning of spring, this is the case because it is a so-called ‘short day’ plant, that is, it needs at least 13 hours of darkness a day to start its process. of flowering.

How to get a Kalanchoe to bloom again?

When the Kalanchoe has finished flowering, you can get your plant to flower again by placing it in a dark place for a while. Kalanchoes are “short-day plants,” meaning the plant will only start producing new flower stalks when the day is shorter than night.

Cut off the faded flowers and place the faded night owl in a dark place for five weeks. During this dormant period, you should only Water very little.

Then put your Flaming Katy in a bright spot and water it regularly again. Within three weeks, your Flaming Katy will reward you with new flowers.


Remember that Kalanchoe needs plenty of light, proper watering, and temperature conditions to bloom.

If you’ve tried all of these tips and your Kalanchoe still isn’t blooming, it might just need a little more time or a change in conditions. Be patient and keep providing your plant with love and care, and it will likely reward you with stunning blooms in no time!

Andreea Tapu

Andreea TAPU is a passionate gardener with over 5 years of experience in cultivating a wide variety of plants and flowers in her garden. As the author and creator of, she is dedicated to sharing her knowledge and expertise with others, providing practical tips and advice to help gardeners of all levels achieve success and enjoyment in their gardening pursuits.