Plant Growth

How to Make Podocarpus Grow Faster (7 Easy Ways)

Are you eager to witness accelerated growth in your Podocarpus tree and transform your landscape into a vibrant oasis? If this is the situation, you have arrived at the right place because I’m here to share some insider tips and tricks to help you make your Podocarpus grow faster than ever before!

By harnessing the power of optimized sunlight exposure, implementing effective watering practices, creating favorable soil conditions, utilizing strategic fertilization, mastering pruning techniques, leveraging the benefits of mulching, and implementing efficient weed control, you can create an ideal environment that increases your Podocarpus tree’s growth to new heights.

This comprehensive guide will explore the pivotal factors that actively influence the growth rate of Podocarpus trees.

How to Make Podocarpus Grow Faster


Sunlight is an essential factor in the faster growth of any type of plant. It is undoubtedly true in the case of the Podocarpus plant. Podocarpus does not have any special sunlight requirements and can thrive in both shade and direct sunlight.

Obviously, it is best that podocarpus receives an ample amount of direct sunlight every day. In order for the Podocarpus plant to grow faster, it needs a daily requirement of 6 hours of sunlight.

Here is a table for the recommended sunlight hours for Podocarpus trees to grow faster:

Podocarpus Growth StageSunlight Hours
Young Seedlings4-6 hours of direct sunlight per day
Established Plants6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day
Mature Tree6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day

Ensure easy access to sunlight if you keep this plant indoors. In case the weather is really hot, make sure to move your podocarpus plant to the shade.

Planting your podocarpus in full sunlight will give it a bushy shape. Moderate sunlight will give them soft and thin leaves with needle-like structures. Finally, growing them in the shadow will give them dark green leaves with thick foliage.


Proper watering is vital for the accelerated growth of Podocarpus trees, especially in their first year. Achieving the right balance is key, as both overwatering and underwatering can hinder growth.

Overwatering can lead to root rot and fungal diseases, while underwatering causes stress and stunted growth.

These trees prefer damp soil, but they do not thrive in overly wet soil. As a result, water them deeply and sparingly, allowing the soil to partially dry before watering once more. Also, they are drought-tolerant.

Here is a guideline for watering Podocarpus trees to promote faster and healthier growth:

Age of Podocarpus TreeAmount of WaterFrequency of WateringTime of Watering
Young tree (less than 1 year old)5-10 gallons per weekEvery 2-3 daysEarly morning or late afternoon
Mature tree (1 year or older)10-15 gallons per weekOnce or twice a weekEarly morning or late afternoon
Helpful TIP!
It is important to note that watering needs may vary depending on factors such as climate, soil type, and tree size. It is crucial to monitor the moisture levels of the soil and avoid overwatering, especially if the soil has poor drainage. Watering at the base of the tree is recommended to ensure the water reaches the roots effectively.

To ensure optimal hydration, water your Podocarpus tree deeply and regularly. Allow the topsoil to dry slightly between watering sessions, promoting healthy root development and nutrient absorption.

Adjust the watering frequency based on weather conditions, taking into account factors like rainfall and humidity. Consistency in watering practices is essential to maintain a healthy moisture balance and support the tree’s growth.

Podocarpus Watering GuidelinesDescription
FrequencyWater deeply and infrequently to encourage deep root growth. Allow the top few inches of soil to dry out between waterings.
Seasonal VariationsAdjust watering based on seasonal changes. Increase watering during hot and dry periods; reduce during cooler and wetter seasons.
Irrigation MethodUse slow, deep watering methods, such as drip irrigation or soaker hoses, to ensure water penetrates the root zone effectively.
Soil MoistureMaintain even soil moisture. Water thoroughly, ensuring the water reaches the entire root zone. Avoid waterlogging or water stress.
ObservationMonitor soil moisture regularly by checking the moisture level with a soil moisture meter or by performing a finger test.
Leaf and Soil ConditionConsider the appearance of the leaves and the condition of the soil. Adjust watering if leaves wilt or soil becomes excessively dry.
Table outlining the water requirements for promoting faster growth of Podocarpus

3.Soil Conditions

Creating favorable soil conditions sets the foundation for fast growth in Podocarpus trees. Well-draining soils with a pH range between 4.5 and 7.5 support the thriving of these trees. Incorporate organic matter like compost or well-rotted manure to optimize your soil’s texture and nutrient retention.

Organic matter improves soil structure, enhances moisture retention, and provides essential nutrients to the tree’s roots. Overwatering will cause the soil to become soggy, so providing the perfect amount of water is extremely crucial.

Conduct regular soil testing to monitor pH levels and nutrient deficiencies. This allows you to adjust soil amendments accordingly, ensuring your Podocarpus tree has access to the necessary nutrients for robust growth. An optimal soil environment provides the necessary support for accelerated growth and overall tree health.


Podocarpus trees don’t need excessive amounts of fertilizer, but providing gentle fertilization three times a year in spring, summer, and fall will promote a vibrant and faster growth.

You can apply fertilizers to encourage faster growth if your podocarpus is in the active growing phase. However, stop fertilization two months before the earliest winter day to stop any new growth that may be destroyed by frost.

Table with fertilizer recommendations for Podocarpus trees to aid in faster growth:

Type of Fertilizer for PodocarpusAmountApplication MethodTime of Application
10-10-10 balanced fertilizer1 pound per 100 square feet of soilBroadcast evenly around the base of the treeEarly spring before new growth begins
Ammonium nitrate fertilizer1/4 to 1/2 pound per 100 square feet of soilBroadcast evenly around the base of the treeLate winter or early spring before new growth begins
Blood meal or bone mealFollow label instructionsBroadcast evenly around the base of the treeSpring and early summer
Organic compost2 to 4 inchesSpread evenly around the base of the treeSpring and fall
Helpful TIP!
Before fertilizing your Podocarpus tree, it is recommended to get a soil test to ensure that you are providing the right nutrients in the appropriate amounts for optimal growth. Additionally, too much fertilizer can harm the tree, so it is crucial to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and not to overfertilize.

Applying a balanced, slow-release fertilizer formulated for evergreen trees during the growing season can significantly enhance growth rates. These fertilizers provide a consistent supply of essential nutrients over an extended period.

Following the manufacturer’s instructions and considering soil test results to determine the appropriate fertilizer type and application rate is important. Although, avoid excessive fertilization can lead to nutrient imbalances or root burn.

You can use a 6-6-6 fertilizer which is rich in all necessary nutrients. Use Epsom salt solution, if your soil suffers from magnesium deficiency which results from sandy or loamy soil.


Pruning is a key practice for shaping the growth and ensuring the health of Podocarpus trees. By trimming the branches, you can maintain a compact form and help your Podocarpus grow faster.

Regular pruning helps remove dead or damaged branches, improves air circulation, and encourages the development of a sturdy framework.

Prune your Podocarpus tree during its dormant period, typically in late winter or early spring, before new growth emerges.

Proper pruning techniques involve removing crossing branches, thinning out crowded areas, and maintaining a balanced canopy. Pruning stimulates new growth and redirects the tree’s energy to the most needed areas.

You optimize the tree’s resources by implementing appropriate pruning practices, promoting faster growth and an aesthetically pleasing form.


Mulching is a valuable technique for nurturing the growth of Podocarpus trees. The tree’s base should be surrounded by wood chips or bark, creating a layer of organic mulch.

Mulching offers various advantages:

  • retaining moisture
  • suppressing weeds
  • regulating soil temperature
  • slowly releasing organic matter during decomposition.

Maintain a 2-3 inch layer of mulch, ensuring it doesn’t touch the tree trunk. This promotes root development in the topsoil and protects against temperature fluctuations.

Creating an optimal mulching environment provides essential nutrients, conserves moisture, and creates a favorable microclimate for the tree’s roots, ultimately fostering faster growth and overall tree health.

7.Weed Control

Weed control is essential for promoting fast growth in Podocarpus trees. Weeds compete with the tree for nutrients, water, and sunlight, hindering its growth potential. Regularly remove weeds manually, ensuring the complete elimination of root systems to prevent regrowth.

In early spring, applying a pre-emergent herbicide can actively prevent the germination of weed seeds. The herbicide manufacturer’s instructions should be followed carefully, and one should avoid contacting the tree’s foliage or roots.

By implementing effective weed control measures, you create an environment that allows your Podocarpus tree to receive the full benefits of available resources, resulting in faster growth and enhanced vitality.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use fertilizer to make Podocarpus grow faster?

Yes, using a balanced, slow-release fertilizer formulated for woody plants can provide essential nutrients to support faster growth. Opt for a balanced, slow-release fertilizer and apply it according to the instructions on the package. Avoid over-fertilizing, as it can harm the plant.

Is it necessary to prune Podocarpus to promote faster growth?

Pruning Podocarpus can help stimulate branching and promote bushier growth. Regular pruning in early spring can remove dead or weak branches and encourage new growth, ultimately contributing to faster overall growth.

How often should I water my Podocarpus tree to encourage faster growth?

It is important to keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Watering once or twice a week, depending on the weather and soil moisture levels, is generally sufficient. Younger plants may require more frequent watering.

Andreea Tapu

Andreea TAPU is a passionate gardener with over 5 years of experience in cultivating a wide variety of plants and flowers in her garden. As the author and creator of, she is dedicated to sharing her knowledge and expertise with others, providing practical tips and advice to help gardeners of all levels achieve success and enjoyment in their gardening pursuits.