Plant Growth

Will Laurel Grow in Shade? (Quick Answer Here)

When it comes to adding greenery and beauty to our gardens or landscapes, laurel is a popular choice. But what if your desired planting area is shaded? Can laurel thrive in such conditions? In this article, we will explore the possibility of growing laurel in shade and provide valuable tips to ensure its healthy growth.

Will Laurel Grow in Shade?

Laurel, also known as bay laurel or sweet bay, is a versatile evergreen shrub or small tree that can adapt to various growing conditions. While laurel typically prefers full sun, it can tolerate shade to a certain extent. It is important to note that laurel will not flourish as vigorously in shade compared to full sun, but with proper care, it can still be grown successfully in shaded areas.

The amount of shade laurel can tolerate depends on several factors, including the specific variety of laurel, the intensity and duration of shade, and the climate of your region.

Generally, laurel can handle light to moderate shade, such as dappled shade or partial shade. This means that if your planting area receives a few hours of direct sunlight or filtered light throughout the day, laurel should be able to grow reasonably well.

Laurel VarietyShade Tolerance
Cherry LaurelPartial to Full Shade
English LaurelPartial to Full Shade
Portuguese LaurelFull sun to partial shade
Laurel ‘Otto Luyken’Full sun to partial shade
Laurel ‘Schipkaensis’Full sun to partial shade
Laurel ‘Zabeliana’Full sun to partial shade
California Bay LaurelFull sun to partial shade
Mountain LaurelPartial to Full Shade
Japanese LaurelPartial to Full Shade
Swamp LaurelFull Shade
Table with some common shade-tolerant varieties of laurel tree

Where can laurel be grown in the shade?

There are situations where laurel can thrive in shade. For example, if you have tall trees or buildings casting shadows on your garden, you can consider planting laurel in areas where the shade is not too dense. 

Laurel can also be grown successfully in shaded corners of the garden or under the canopy of larger trees. Additionally, if you live in a region with a mild climate and cooler summers, laurel is more likely to adapt to shade compared to areas with hot and humid summers.

In a backyard with tall deciduous trees, where sunlight filters through the branches and creates dappled shade, laurel can find a suitable home. The intermittent sunlight provides enough light for the plant to carry out photosynthesis while still offering shade for protection from harsh sun exposure.

Another example is a shaded courtyard or patio area surrounded by buildings. Here, laurel can thrive as long as there is sufficient indirect light. The reflected light and ambient brightness can support the growth of laurel plants, adding a touch of greenery to otherwise shaded spaces.

Is your laurel plant looking dull and lifeless with brown leaves? Discover the common causes of this issue and learn how to revive your plant

Table outlining the advantages and drawbacks of growing laurel in shade:

Can tolerate low light conditionsSlower growth rate
Less susceptible to sunscald and leaf scorchLess flowering and fruiting
Less watering requiredMore susceptible to fungal diseases
Less pruning requiredThinner and taller growth habit
Can provide a natural screen or barrier in shaded areasMay become leggy and sparse over time
Can add diversity to a shaded garden or landscapeMay require more fertilizer to maintain healthy growth

Note: These advantages and drawbacks are general and may vary depending on the specific type of laurel plant and the amount of shade it receives. It’s important to research the specific needs of your plant to ensure its proper care and growth.

Ideal Shade Conditions for Laurel Plants:

  1. Light Shade: Laurel plants generally prefer light shade conditions rather than deep or dense shade. Light shade refers to areas that receive filtered or dappled sunlight throughout the day, with intermittent periods of direct sunlight.
  2. Morning or Afternoon Shade: Laurel plants thrive when they are protected from intense midday sun. Providing shade during the hottest parts of the day, either in the morning or afternoon, can help prevent sunburn and promote healthier growth.
  3. Protection from Hot Afternoon Sun: Laurel plants benefit from shade that shields them from the harsh rays of the afternoon sun, especially in regions with hot and dry climates. This protection helps prevent heat stress and keeps the foliage from drying out.
  4. Well-Drained Soil: While laurel plants appreciate shade, it is essential to ensure that the soil in shaded areas is well-drained. Excessive moisture or waterlogged conditions can lead to root rot and other issues. Good drainage helps maintain a healthy root system.
  5. Sheltered from Harsh Winds: If possible, plant laurel in areas that offer some protection from strong winds. Wind can cause excessive evaporation, which can stress the plant and dry out the leaves. Sheltered locations provide a more favorable microclimate for laurel growth.

Discover the Hidden Secrets: Why Are Your Laurel Leaves Turning Yellow? Unveil the Causes and Solutions to Restore Lush Greenery in Your Garden. Click Here for Expert Tips!

Tips to Grow Laurel in Shade

To ensure the healthy growth of laurel in shady areas, here are some expert tips to consider:

Choosing the Right Location

When selecting a spot for your laurel, look for areas that receive a few hours of direct sunlight or filtered light each day. Avoid planting laurel in areas with deep, dense shade as it may result in weak growth and fewer flowers or berries.

Observing the patterns of sunlight and shade in your garden throughout the day will help you identify the optimal location for your laurel plant.

Soil and Drainage

Laurel prefers well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter. Ensure the planting area has good drainage to prevent waterlogging, which can be detrimental to laurel’s root health.

If your shaded area tends to retain moisture, consider amending the soil with organic matter or creating raised beds to improve drainage.


While laurel is generally drought-tolerant, it is essential to provide regular water during dry periods, especially if it is growing in shade. Check the soil moisture regularly and water deeply when necessary, allowing the soil to dry slightly between waterings.

Be cautious not to overwater, as laurel can be susceptible to root rot in overly moist conditions.

Pruning and Maintenance

Regular pruning helps maintain the shape and size of laurel plants. It also encourages better air circulation and sunlight penetration, which can be beneficial for plants growing in shade. Remove any dead or damaged branches and prune to promote a balanced and open growth habit. 

This will allow more light to reach the inner parts of the plant and stimulate healthy growth. Regular maintenance, such as removing fallen leaves or debris, will also help prevent the accumulation of moisture and potential fungal diseases.


Apply a balanced slow-release fertilizer in spring to provide essential nutrients to the laurel. Follow the instructions on the fertilizer package and avoid overfertilizing, as excessive nutrients can lead to weak growth.

Fertilizing once a year should be sufficient for laurel plants growing in shade, as they have reduced nutrient requirements compared to those in full sun.


Applying a layer of organic mulch around the base of the laurel plant can help conserve moisture, regulate soil temperature, and suppress weed growth. Mulching is particularly beneficial in shaded areas, as it helps retain moisture in the soil and provides a favorable environment for the roots to thrive.

Monitoring for Pests and Diseases

Keep an eye out for common pests and diseases that may affect laurel, such as aphids, scale insects, or powdery mildew. Regularly inspect the plant for any signs of infestation or disease.

If detected, take appropriate measures to control the problem, such as using insecticidal soap or fungicides labeled for laurel plants. Prompt action can prevent the spread of pests or diseases and ensure the plant’s overall health.

Consider Companion Planting

To maximize the visual appeal of your shaded garden and provide additional benefits to your laurel, consider companion planting. Select shade-loving plants that complement the growth requirements and aesthetics of laurel. Plants like hostas, ferns, heucheras, and astilbes are excellent choices for shaded areas and can create a beautiful backdrop for laurel while enhancing the overall ambiance of the space.

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By following these tips, you can successfully grow laurel in shaded areas, adding lush greenery and a touch of elegance to your garden or landscape. While laurel may not thrive as vigorously as it would in full sun, with proper care and attention, you can enjoy the beauty and versatility of this wonderful plant even in shaded environments.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will laurel plants still flower in shade?

While some laurel varieties may produce fewer flowers in shaded conditions, many can still flower to some extent. However, the bloom quality and quantity may be diminished compared to plants grown in full sun.

How much sun does a laurel tree need?

According to The Spruce, ideal shade conditions for laurel plants include 2-4 hours of direct sunlight per day, or dappled shade throughout the day.

Will laurel plants become leggy and sparse in shaded areas?

Laurel plants can become leggy and sparse over time in heavily shaded areas, especially if they are not receiving enough light for healthy growth.

What are the benefits of growing laurel in shade?

Growing laurel in shade can offer advantages such as reduced sunburn risk, conserved moisture in the soil, enhanced foliage color, and versatile planting options in various parts of the garden.

Andreea Tapu

Andreea TAPU is a passionate gardener with over 5 years of experience in cultivating a wide variety of plants and flowers in her garden. As the author and creator of, she is dedicated to sharing her knowledge and expertise with others, providing practical tips and advice to help gardeners of all levels achieve success and enjoyment in their gardening pursuits.