
Can You Grow Cucumber In Winter? Yes, It’s Possible!

Can you grow cucumber in winter? If you’re a fan of fresh, homegrown produce, you might be wondering if it’s possible to grow cucumbers during the colder months.

I’m here to tell you that with the right techniques and growing conditions, you can enjoy a bountiful cucumber harvest even in the coldest months. In this blog post, I’ll share with you the secrets to successfully growing cucumbers in winter, so you too can enjoy fresh, homegrown produce all year long.

Can You Grow Cucumber In Winter?

While cucumbers are typically a warm-weather crop, it is possible to grow them in winter with the right conditions. Cucumbers prefer warm and humid conditions with a temperature range of 70–95 °F and a relative humidity of around 60–70%. To achieve these conditions, you can use a greenhouse, high tunnel, or indoor growing system and supplement natural light with grow lights or other artificial lighting systems. By following these techniques, you can enjoy fresh, homegrown cucumbers even in the coldest months of the year.

Methods of Growing Cucumbers in Winter

There are several ways to grow cucumbers in winter, including:

  1. Greenhouse: Greenhouses are a popular choice for growing cucumbers during winter because they provide a controlled environment that safeguards the plants from cold temperatures, frost and wind. Inside a greenhouse you have the ability to regulate temperature, humidity and light levels to create the conditions for your cucumbers.
  2. High tunnel: If you’re looking for an affordable option or have limited space consider using a high tunnel. Similar to a greenhouse but on a smaller scale high tunnels trap heat and shield your cucumber plants from harsh weather conditions.
  3. Cold frame: Another alternative is utilizing a cold frame. These small unheated structures effectively capture heat and also safeguard your cucumber plants from the elements. Cold frames are especially useful for extending the growing season and protecting against frost damage.
  4. Indoor growing system: For those with limited outdoor space or living in urban areas indoor growing systems, like hydroponics or aeroponics offer an excellent solution to grow your cucumber in winter. By controlling temperature, humidity, and light levels indoors you can successfully cultivate cucumbers without relying on outdoor methods.
Methods of Growing Cucumber in WinterAdvantagesDisadvantages
1. Greenhouse– Controlled environment with regulated temp.– Initial cost of greenhouse setup
– Protection from harsh weather– Requires space for greenhouse construction
– Extended growing season– Monitoring temperature and humidity
– Adequate light exposure with proper setup– Proper ventilation required
2. Indoor Gardening– Can be done in small spaces– Limited available natural light
– Protection from outdoor elements– Potential need for supplemental lighting
– Ideal for apartments and urban settings– Managing temperature and humidity
– Year-round gardening potential– Limited space for large cucumber varieties
3. Cold Frame Gardening– Affordable and simple structure– Limited space for larger cucumber varieties
– Extends growing season– Less control compared to greenhouse
– Protection from frost and cold winds– Monitoring temperature and ventilation
– Suitable for small gardens and yards– Not ideal for larger-scale production
4. High Tunnel Growing– Offers protection from frost and cold winds– Requires space for tunnel construction
– Moderate cost compared to greenhouse– Monitoring and regulating temperature and humidity
– Extends growing season– Adequate ventilation needed
– Suitable for large-scale production– May need additional heating in colder climates
Methods of Growing Cucumbers in Winter– Initial setup cost
Table outlining the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of growing cucumbers in winter

Factors to Consider to Successfully Grow Your Cucumbers in Winter

Growing cucumbers in winter can be challenging, but it is possible with the right techniques. Cucumbers are warm-season plants that require a lot of light and warmth to grow. However, with some adjustments, you can grow cucumbers in winter.

1. Choosing the Right Cucumber Varieties

When it comes to growing cucumbers in winter one crucial factor is selecting the right cucumber varieties. Certain varieties are more well suited for greenhouse conditions and perform admirably in such settings.

These cucumber types can handle low temperatures and have shorter maturation periods making them perfect for off-season cultivation. By opting for a cucumber variety that is optimized for winter growth you significantly increase your chances of achieving a harvest.

Best Cucumber Varieties for Winter

If you are planning to grow cucumber in winter, you need to choose the right variety.

Here are some of the best cucumber varieties for winter:

DivaThis variety produces crisp, sweet cucumbers that are resistant to powdery mildew and other diseases. It is ideal for greenhouse cultivation.
SocratesSocrates is a high-yielding variety that produces long, straight cucumbers with a mild flavor. It is suitable for greenhouse cultivation and can withstand cold temperatures.
Tasty GreenTasty Green is a cold-tolerant variety that produces sweet, crunchy cucumbers. It is suitable for both greenhouse and outdoor cultivation.
Marketmore 76Marketmore 76 is a disease-resistant variety that produces dark green cucumbers with a crisp texture. It is suitable for both greenhouse and outdoor cultivation.
Hercules F1It has strong bushes of medium branching, belongs to mid-season varieties, ripening in 55-65 days.
Patio SnackerWith its bushy growth habit, Patio Snacker is ideal for indoor gardening setups
Emelya F1Able to endure temperature changes, does not drop the ovary due to a short-term cold snap.
Dasher IIKnown for its early maturation and bushy growth, Dasher II is a good choice for growing cucumbers in controlled environments during winter.

Why They Are Suitable For Colder Temperatures

These specific cucumber varieties are particularly suitable for low temperatures due to their ability to withstand the cold or resist diseases.

They can endure the low temperatures and shorter daylight hours that winter brings. Additionally, some of these varieties are especially well suited for greenhouse cultivation, which provides a controlled environment for cultivating crops.

In summary, if you wish to grow cucumbers during winter it’s important to choose a variety that can thrive in temperatures. The previously mentioned varieties are among the top choices you can take for cultivating cucumbers during the winter season.

2. Temperature Management

One of the most important factors in growing cucumbers in winter is temperature control. Cucumbers are quite sensitive to changes in temperature. It’s essential to keep the temperature consistent between 70°F and 75°F (21°C to 24°C) during the day and slightly cooler at night.

To achieve this you can consider utilizing gardening techniques, greenhouses, or other controlled environments that help regulate temperatures and protect the cucumber plants from frost.

You can use a heater to maintain the temperature in your greenhouse or indoor garden. Set the heater to a temperature range of 60-90°F, depending on the growth stage of your cucumbers. You can also use a thermometer to monitor the temperature in your greenhouse or indoor garden.

3. Light Exposure

One other important aspect to consider when growing cucumbers during winter is the availability of light. Cucumbers need a minimum of 8 to 10 hours of sunlight or artificial light every day.

During winter daylight hours are shorter and sunlight is less intense. It becomes crucial to supplement natural light with grow lights or other artificial lighting systems.

If you opt for grow lights ensure they are positioned correctly and provide illumination, for your plants. By maintaining the temperature and lighting conditions you can successfully cultivate cucumbers during winter and relish in the delight of homegrown produce year round.

4. Soil Preparation

When considering growing cucumbers in winter it is vital to prepare the soil. The soil should have drainage capabilities while also being enriched with organic matter.

Enhancing its fertility by incorporating compost, aged manure, or other organic matter is recommended. Additionally maintaining a pH level within the range of 6.0 to 7.0 will create an environment, for growing healthy cucumber plants.

5. Watering and Humidity

Cucumbers require watering for optimal growth. In the winter season, it is advisable to water them for a week or more frequently if the soil appears dry.

It’s important to ensure watering allowing the moisture to penetrate at least 6 inches below the surface. Additionally applying a layer of mulch, around the cucumber plants helps retain moisture in the soil.

Also, in winter I recommend you need to maintain a relative humidity of around 60-70%.

6. Fertilization

Cucumbers require fertilization in order to thrive and yield fruits. During the winter season, it is important to provide them with more fertilizer compared to the warmer months as their growth rate tends to slow down.

It is recommended to use a balanced fertilizer, with equal proportions of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

7. Planting Techniques

When it comes to planting cucumbers during the winter season you have two options: using seeds or seedlings.

If you opt for cucumber seeds I recommended to plant them indoors in pots or trays around 4 to 6 weeks before the frost date in your area. Once the seedlings reach a height of 4 inches they can be transplanted into your garden.

On the other hand, if you prefer using seedlings you can directly plant them in your garden. It’s important to space them out with a distance of about 12 18 inches between each plant and ensure that rows are spaced around 3-4 feet apart.

Alternatively, if space is limited in your garden raised beds or containers can also be options, for planting cucumbers.

In conclusion, while growing cucumbers in winter can be challenging, it is possible with the right techniques. Choose the right cucumber variety, provide enough light and warmth, and make sure your plants have enough water and nutrients. With some patience and effort, you can enjoy fresh cucumbers even in the winter months.

How To Grow Cucumbers In Winter

Growing cucumbers in winter is a bit more challenging than during the warmer months, but it’s still possible.

Follow these steps to plant cucumbers in winter:

  1. Choose a suitable cucumber variety that can tolerate cooler temperatures.
  2. Start cucumber seeds indoors about 4-6 weeks before the last expected frost date in your area.
  3. Transplant seedlings into containers or a greenhouse once they have grown to about 3-4 inches in height.
  4. Choose a location that receives plenty of sunlight and is protected from wind and frost.
  5. Prepare the soil by adding compost and other organic matter to improve drainage and fertility.
  6. Plant cucumber seedlings in the soil at a depth of 1-2 inches and space them about 18-24 inches apart.
  7. Cover the soil with mulch to help retain moisture and regulate soil temperature.

Soil Preparation

Before you plant cucumbers during the winter season it is crucial to prepare the soil. Cucumbers thrive in drained soil that is abundant in organic matter.

Here are some guidelines to follow when preparing the soil:

  1. Test the pH level of the soil. Make adjustments if necessary to maintain a range between 6.0 and 7.0.
  2. Enhance the fertility and structure of the soil by adding compost or decomposed manure.
  3. Ensure root development by working the soil to a depth of at least 8 to 10 inches.
  4. Avoid planting cucumbers in soil that has previously hosted cucurbit crops like squash or pumpkins as this can heighten the risk of disease.

These steps will help create conditions, for successful cucumber cultivation during winter months.

Planting Techniques

To ensure growth it’s important to take extra care when planting cucumbers in winter.

Here are some planting techniques that can help you get started:

  1. Begin by starting the cucumber seeds indoors 4 6 weeks before the last expected frost date in your area.
  2. Once the seedlings have grown to a height of, around 3 4 inches transplant them into containers or a greenhouse.
  3. Look for a location that is shielded from wind and frost to plant your cucumber seedlings.
  4. When planting them in the soil make sure to place them at a depth of 1 2 inches and space them 18 24 inches apart.
  5. To maintain moisture and regulate soil temperature consider covering the soil with mulch.

By following these techniques you can increase your chances of growing cucumbers during winter months.

Watering Requirements

To ensure the growth and fruit production of cucumbers it is important to provide them with consistent moisture, particularly in winter when the air tends to be drier.

Here are a few tips for watering your cucumbers:

  1. Water your cucumbers not too frequently to encourage the development of deep roots.
  2. Be mindful not to wet the leaves while watering as this can increase the chances of diseases affecting your plants.
  3. Consider using a drip irrigation system or water directly at the base of the plants to avoid getting water on the leaves.
  4. Applying mulch around your cucumber plants can help retain moisture in the soil aiding their growth.

It’s essential to bear in mind that growing cucumbers, during winter may pose some challenges compared to summer months. However, with care and attention, you can still achieve a plentiful harvest of fresh and delicious cucumbers.


Yes, you can grow cucumbers in winter, but it requires a bit more effort and planning than growing them in the warmer months. Cucumbers are warm-season vegetables that thrive in temperatures between 70-95°F, and they need a lot of sunlight to grow. However, with the right techniques and equipment, you can grow cucumbers in winter and enjoy fresh, homegrown produce all year round.

What are the ideal temperature and humidity conditions for growing cucumbers in winter?

Cucumbers prefer warm and humid conditions with a temperature range of 70-95°F and a relative humidity of around 60-70%. To achieve these conditions, you can use a greenhouse, high tunnel, or indoor growing system and supplement natural light with grow lights or other artificial lighting systems.

What are the benefits of growing cucumbers in winter?

Growing cucumbers in winter allows you to extend your growing season and enjoy fresh, homegrown produce even when outdoor conditions are unfavorable. It also provides a rewarding gardening activity during the colder months.

Can you grow cucumbers in winter without a greenhouse or indoor growing system?

While it is possible to grow cucumbers in winter without a greenhouse or indoor growing system, it can be challenging as cucumbers require warm and humid conditions to thrive. However, you can try using a cold frame or high tunnel to provide some protection from cold weather and frost.

Andreea Tapu

Andreea TAPU is a passionate gardener with over 5 years of experience in cultivating a wide variety of plants and flowers in her garden. As the author and creator of, she is dedicated to sharing her knowledge and expertise with others, providing practical tips and advice to help gardeners of all levels achieve success and enjoyment in their gardening pursuits.